• Julia Rouaux

  Born in La Plata city, located in Buenos Aires province, there was always room for nature and art at her birth house.

She studied at the National University of La Plata Faculty of Natural Sciences and Museum where she got her Bachelor’s degree in Zoology and the PhD in Natural Sciences.

Since 2007, she took different courses and advanced training programs of Scientific Illustration in Argentina, Mexico (UNAM, Mérida) and Portugal (UA, Aveiro).

Among her artwork, we can find illustrations for scientific and science popularization works, Thesis and didactic material, including three illustrated guides published by Londaiz-Laborde: “Felids of South America” (“Felinos de Sudamérica”), “Wild Felids of the World” (“Felinos Salvajes del Mundo”) and “Wild Canids of the World” (“Cánidos Salvajes del Mundo”).

Since 2009, she has given seminars, courses and workshops about scientific illustration and naturalistic art in different academic fields, both in Argentina and abroad (Brazil, Peru, Uruguay and Italy).

In 2016 she became the Director of the only Postgraduate course “Introduction to Scientific Illustration” (“Introducción a la Ilustración Científica”), taught at different Universities of Argentina.

She is currently part of the Illustraciencia International Advisory Committee, Catalan Association of Scientific Communication, Barcelona, Spain.   


2015. PhD in Natural Sciences, Faculty of Natural Sciences and Museum (FCNyM), National University of La Plata (UNLP), Buenos Aires, Argentina. Tesis.

2007. Bachelor’s degree in Biology, Zoology oriented, Faculty of Natural Sciences and Museum (FCNyM), National University of La Plata (UNLP).

scientific illustration

2023. Online course: Ichthyological Illustration.
Professors: Felipe Portilla Araya and Fernanda Oyarzún Dunlop. Organized by the Millennium Institute on Coastal Socio-Ecology (SECOS), the Chilean Ichthyology Association (ACHICTIO), and Project Robsonella. October 2 to October 30. Credit hours: 46.

2022. Online course: Grafite e as Texturas da Natureza.
Professor: Rogério Lupo. São Paulo, Brazil. March 23 to April 12. Credit hours: 18 hs.

2017. Advanced Training Program. Tutor: F.J.S. Correia. Scientific Illustration Lab, University of Aveiro, Portugal, June 12 to August 8.

2015. Certificate program in Scientific Illustration. Department of Science and Technology of the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM), Yucatán, Mexico. October 23 to December 13.

2015. Advanced Training Course in Scientific Illustration and Natural History. Naturae-art, Mérida, Yucatán, Mexico. Tutor: A. Guerra Escamilla. October 23 to December 13.


2009. Black and White Techniques for Scientific Botanical Illustration. Faculty of Agricultural and Forestry Science. National University of La Plata (UNLP). Professor: M.A. Migoya. Credit hours: 44.

2008. Advanced training in Scientific Illustration. Professional Internship. Center of Parasitological and Vector Studies (CEPAVE) University of La Plata – Scientific and Technical Research National Council (UNLP- CONICET). Professor: M.C. Estivariz. Credit hours: 120.

2008. Scientific Botanical Illustration. Faculty of Agronomy and Argentine Society of Botanic (S.A.B) University of Buenos Aires. Professors: M.A. Migoya and N. Valgañón. Credit Hours: 40.

2007. Introduction to Scientific Illustration. Course. CEPAVE- UNLP. Professors: M.C. Estivariz, M. Theiller and M. Pérez. La Plata. Credit hours: 150.


2024. Foresta Magazine: Julia Rouaux, scientific rigor in illustration. Valencia, España. watch

2024. MiráBA Magazine- Museums: Exhibition “Tramas infinitas” (Infinite Connections). Buenos Aires, Argentina. watch

2024. El pasajero Magazine: Exhibition “Tramas infinitas” (Infinite Connections). La Plata,Buenos Aires, Argentina. watch

2023. Programme “El Chiringuito”: special talk with illustrators. Radio Estación Sur. La Plata,Buenos Aires, Argentina. watch

2023. Patagonia Forestal- Dialogue of knowledge. Radio Nacional Esquel. Esquel, Chubut, Argentina. watch

2021. CICyNMX: From Biology to Scientific Illustration. Mexico. watch

2020. Interview for the Web Page "Pizzini Argentina". Buenos Aires, Argentina. watch

2019. Interview for the Web Page “ContArte Cultura”. Buenos Aires, Argentina. read

2019. Gráffica.info: The Art of Entomology. Spain. read

2018. The Biologist that wanted to draw. National Fund for Arts. Buenos Aires, Argentina. read

2016. Illustrators of the La Plata Museum. ProBiota Magazine. La Plata, Buenos Aires, Argentina. read

Scientific and Naturalist Illustration

2023-2024. Scientific illustrations and infographics of: marbled ray (Symperygia bonapartii), bigeye skate (Atlantoraja cyclophora), small guitarfish (Zapteryx brevirostris), Brazilian guitarfish (Pseudobatos horkelii), sand tiger shark (Carcharias taurus), and broadnose sevengill shark (Notorynchus cepedianus), for the “Mar Azul Uruguayo” Project, Uruguay.

2023. Scientific illustration of caste differentiation of the German yellowjacket (Vespula germanica). GELPI, INTA Bariloche, Argentina.

2023. IIlustrations for the book: Parque Cultural del río Vero: Arte en la Prehistoria (Vero River Cultural Park: Art in Prehistory). Comarca de Somontano de Barbastro. Spain.

2023. Diagrams and scientific illustrations for the paper: Honeydew production by the giant willow aphid (Tuberolachnus salignus, Hemiptera: Aphididae) and its effect on foraging yellowjackets (Hymenoptera: Vespidae). Martínez A.S., Villacide J.A., Buteler M., Serra M.N. & M. Masciocchia. Pest Management Science. read

2023. Scientific illustration of Panthera onca (yaguareté) and Lagothrix lagotricha (woolly monkey) for the National Museum of Natural History in La Paz (MNHN), Bolivia.

2022. Scientific illustration of Morpho epistrophus argentinus (argentine flag butterfly ). In: The secrets of the Argentine flag butterfly (Los secretos de la mariposa bandera argentina). “La Nación” newspaper. read

2022. Scientific illustrations for the booklet: The spotted-winged fly, Drosophila suzukii, en la Comarca Andina. Martínez Von Ellrich A., Cardozo A., Masciocchi M., Fischbein D., Germano M. D., Chillo M. V., De la Vega G., Mariño J. & G. Garis. INTA editions. read

2021. Scientific illustrations of Megaplatypus mutatus. In: Distribution and impacts of the forest borer, Megaplatypus mutatus. INTA Bariloche. read

2021. Scientific illustrations of Diphterostomum flavum. In: Cryptic speciation of the zoogonid digenean Diphterostomum flavum n.sp. demonstrated by morphological and molecular data. Gilardoni C., Etchegoin J., Cribb T., Pina S., Rodrigues P., Diez M.E. & F. Cremonte. Parasite 27, 44. read

2021. Paleobotanical illustration of Yabeiella brackebuschiana. Cariglino B. Argentine Museum of Natural Sciences "Bernardino Rivadavia".

2019. Cover Art in collaboration with A. Tiscornia. Fishes of the Lower River Uruguay: Main species. Serra S., Loureiro M., Clavijo C., Alonso F., Scarabino F. & N. Ríos. CARU Publishing House.

2017-2019. Scientific illustrations for: An Illustrated Guide to the Wild Canids of the World. Londaiz Laborde Publishing House, Spain (work in progress).

2019. Cover Art in collaboration with A. Tiscornia. Plants of the Lower River Uruguay: Trees and Bushes. Rodríguez E.E., Aceñolaza P. Picasso G. & J. Gago. CARU Publishing House. read

2017. Scientific illustrations for: Two new species of biting midges of the genus Forcipomyia Meigen from Ecuador (Diptera Ceratopogonidae). Hochman, S.I, Marino P.M. & G.R. Spinelli. Annales Zoologici (Warsow), 2017, 67(4): 811-821. read

2016. Weevil Beetle, Naupactus densius (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) Estivariz M.C. & J. Rouaux. 2016. Included in: II Anatomia de uma ilustração: os bastidores da ilustração científica. Lopes L. & M. I. Castiñeira (ed.). Palhoça: Unisul Publishing House, Pp: 49-54.

2014-2015. Scientific illustrations for: An Illustrated Guide to the Wild Felids of the World. Londaiz Laborde Publishing House, Spain. 270 Pp.

2015. Schemes for the paper: Trait matching of flower visitors and crops predicts fruit set better than trait diversity. Garibaldi L.A., Bartomeus I., Bommarco R., Klein A.M., Cunningham S.A., Aizen M.A, et al. Journal of Applied Ecology, Vol 52: 1436–1444. read

2013. Scientific illustrations for: Phenrica littoralis (Bechyné, 1955) (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) a potential candidate for the biological control of alligator weed, Alternanthera philoxeroides (Martius) Grisebach (Amaranthaceae): redescription of the adult, first description of immature stages, and biological notes. N.C. Cabrera, A.J. Sosa & M. Julien. Zootaxa Vol 3686 (5). read

2012. A new species of Rhytidognathus (Carabidae, Migadopini) from Argentina. Roig-Juñent S. & J. Rouaux 2012. ZooKeys 247: 45–60. read

2012. Scientific illustrations for: Felids of South America. An Integral Identification Guide. J. Pereira & G. Aprile. Londaiz Laborde Publishing House. 104 Pp.

2011. Scientific illustrations of Araucaria mirabilis. In: Growth architecture and silhouette of Jurassic conifers from La Matilde Formation, Patagonia, Argentina. P. Falaschi, J. Grosfeld, A.B. Zamuner, N. Foix and S.M. Rivera. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 302 (2011) 122–141. read

2010. Scientific illustrations for the Tesis: Systematic, Paleoecology, and Paleoclimatic Characteristics of the Tafoflora. Petrified Forest Natural Monument Park, Middle Jurassic, Patagonia, Argentina. Doctoral Thesis, Dr. P. Falaschi. Faculty of Natural Sciences and Museum (FCNyM), National University of La Plata (UNLP), Buenos Aires, Argentina. read

Published Works

2023. Zoological illustration: Insects, pp 212-231. In: Manual de Ilustración científica-Illustraciencia (Manual of Scientific Illustration- Illustraciencia). Ed. GeoPlaneta, Barcelona, Spain. ISBN 978-84-08-25222-1.

2015. Drawing Bugs: Scientific Illustration in Entomology. Rouaux J. La Plata Museum Magazine No.27. June 2015. read

2015. Scientific illustration & Entomology: good friends. Rouaux J., Esponda-Behrens N., Bialoskorski V., Copello M., Granda V., Marcantoni P., Vidal V. & Estivariz M.C. IX CAE, Posadas, Misiones, Argentina.
Book of abstracts, thematic area 10 p: 40. read

2013. Theoretical Guide to the “Introduction to Scientific Illustration” Course. Estivariz M.C., Rouaux J. & Spath M. CEPAVE (UNLP- CONICET) 117 Pp.

2010. Scientific Illustration: Ernst Haeckel (1834-1919). Estivariz M.C., Theiller M., Pérez M. & J. Rouaux (colaborator). Revista Sacapuntas. April edition. read

*Doctoral Thesis and previous scientific research are excluded.


2024- Present. Member of the Azara Foundation, Art and Science Committee, Argentina.

2024- Present. Member of the Culture Commission of the La Plata Museum Foundation “Francisco Pascasio Moreno”, Argentina.

2022- Present. Member of the Science and Nature Illustrators Collective (CICYNMX), Mexico.

2019- Present. Member of the Department of Entomology, La Plata Museum, Buenos Aires, Argentina.

2019- Present. Member of the Teaching Staff of Illustraciencia Academy. Spain.

2018- Present. Member of the Illustraciencia International Advisory Committee, International Prize for Scientific Illustration and Nature, National Museum of Natural Sciences (MNCN-CSIC) and the Catalan Association of Scientific Communication (ACCC), Barcelona, Spain.

2022- 2024. Member of the Guild of Natural Science Illustrators (GNSI), USA.

2016- 2024. Member of the Argentine Illustrators Association (ADA).

2015. Judge for the 1st Scientific Illustration and Paleoart Exhibition and Competition. XVI Argentine Symposium of Paleobotany and Palynology. May 26 to May 29. La Plata, Argentina.



Individual Exhibition:
Tramas infinitas (Infinite Connections).
“Víctor de Pol” Hall, La Plata Museum. Buenos Aires, Argentina. March 15 to August 3. more


Individual Exhibition:
Bezkres połączeń (Infinite Connections).
Ogród Botaniczny Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego (Botanical Garden of the Jagiellonian University), Krakow, Poland. June 9 to June 23.


Group Exhibitions:
Art Exhibition. Interdisciplinary group exhibition in the framework of the 115th Meeting of the German Zoological Society (DZG). University of Kassel, Germany. September 4 to September 8.

Co-Existenz: Eine Ausstellung über die bedrohte südamerikanische Biodiversität (Co-existence: An exhibition of endangered South American biodiversity) in the framework of the Conference: Harmonies of Nature: a meeting of Argentinean Music and Naturalistic Art. Kassel, Germany. July 19 to July 26.

Co-Existencia. Una Muestra sobre la biodiversidad sudamericana en peligro (Co-existence: An exhibition of endangered South American biodiversity). Joint exhibition with illustrator Patricia Nagashiro, Vitoria-Gasteiz, Spain. April 25 to June 3.


Individual Exhibition:
Bezkres połączeń (Infinite Connections).
Botanical Garden, Krakow, Poland. June 9 to June 23.


Group Exhibitions:
Fuerza Sur. Una muestra colectiva Sudamericana (South Force. South American collective exhibition). Benavente, CABA, Buenos Aires. December 7 to December 31.

Ilustradores: el proceso creativo (Illustrators: the creative process). Argentine Illustrators Association (ADA) La Plata. Islas Malvinas Cultural Center, La Plata, Buenos Aires. May 17 to May 29.

7 anos de Ilustração Científica na UA - a excelência do ensino (7 years of Scientific Illustration in the University of Aveiro – The excellence in Teaching). Hélène de Beauvoir Hall, Library of the University of Aveiro, Portugal. January 16 to February 26.


Individual Exhibition:
Scientific Illustration and Naturalistic Art: Dr Julia Rouaux.
Library of Krakow, Krakow, Poland. June 4 to June 29.


Group Exhibitions:
Scientific Illustration in Entomology.
Curator and exhibitor. VI International Congress of Heteroptera. La Plata Museum, Buenos Aires, Argentina. December 3 to December 6.

Meeting of the Argentine Paleontology Association. National Patagonia Center (CENPAT), Puerto Madryn, Chubut, Argentina. September 21 to November 23.

Ruta de Darwin (Darwin Road).
Municipal Museum of Fine Arts, Tandil, Buenos Aires. July 18 to July 30.


Group Exhibitions:
Scientific Illustration.
VI Meeting of Young Researchers and Extensionists at the National University of La Plata (UNLP). Faculty of Natural Sciences and Museum (FCNyM), National University of La Plata (UNLP), Buenos Aires, Argentina. August 31 to September 4.

The Argentine Illustrators Association (ADA) at the Roverano.
Municipal Museum of Visual Arts “Víctor Roverano”. Quilmes. Argentine Illustrators Association (ADA). June 16 to June 30.


Group Exhibitions:
I National Exhibition of Scientific Illustration.
Provincial Museum of Natural History, Santa Rosa, La Pampa. October 7 to November 4.

Scientific Illustration. V National Exhibition of Scientific Illustration and Anatomy of an Illustration (V-ExpoNIC)& V Brazilian Scientific Illustration Meeting (V EBIC). Florianópolis, Brazil. July 20 to July 23.

Scientific Illustrators of the Museum (Ilustradores Científicos del Museo).
Curator and exhibitor. “Víctor de Pol” Hall, La Plata Museum. April 21 to May 29.


Scientific illustrations: for editorials, scientific publications (papers) and thesis.

Naturalist illustrations: for publishers and scientific dissemination.

Teaching courses in scientific illustration: for students and graduates of Biological Sciences, Fine Arts and related careers.

Teaching courses in naturalist illustration: for all audiences.

always available

Online course
"Naturalist illustration with scratchboard"

more information


Courses, Seminars and Workshops

2024. Online Course: Ilustra Entomología (Entomology Illustration).
Illustraciencia Academy, Barcelona, Spain. April 4 to May 2.


2023. Master Conference (online): El poder de la Imagen: la Ilustración Científica como herramienta para la divulgación y conservación de la Fauna sudamericana (The Power of the Image: Scientific Illustration as a Tool for the Dissemination and Conservation of South American Fauna).
II Colombian Meeting of Scientific Illustration. Medellín, Colombia. February 15.

2023. Online Course: Ilustra Mariposas (Illustrates Butterflies).
Illustraciencia Academy, Barcelona, Spain. October 3 to October 31.

2023. Virtual Talk: Ilustración Científica y Naturalista (Scientific and Naturalist Illustration).
Autonomous University of Guadalajara, Mexico. October 5.

2023. Workshop: Naturalist Illustration with Scratchboard.
As part of the event "Harmonies of Nature: a Meeting of Argentine Music and Naturalist Art." Kassel, Germany. July 19.

2023. Seminar (online): La ilustración científica y naturalista como herramientas de divulgación y conservación de especies (Scientific and naturalistic illustration as tools for species Outreach and Conservation).
3rd International Online Scientific Illustration Congress, Illustraciencia. June 20.

2023. Masterclass (online): Alas de Mariposas: Ilustración para la conservación (Butterfly Wings: Illustration for Conservation).
3rd International Online Scientific Illustration Congress, Illustraciencia. June 19.

2023. Workshop: Ilustrando al visón europeo con scratchboard (Illustrate the European mink with Scratchboard).
Ataria, Interpretation Center of Salburua Wetlands, Vitoria-Gasteiz, España. June 3.

2023. Workshop: Ilustración Naturalista con técnica de scratchboard (Naturalistic Illustration with Scratchboard technique).
Contemporary Art galery "Emilio Saraco", Neuquén, Argentina. April 15.

2023. Masterclass (online): Ilustración Científica en Entomología: Técnicas y aplicaciones (Scientific Illustration in Entomology: Techniques and Applications).
COIL 2023 Project: Illustration and Photography in Insect Conservation Processes. Organized by UNIMINUTO University in Colombia, UAG and UDG in Mexico. April 21.

2023. Course: Ilustración Naturalista con Técnica digital (Naturalistic Illustration with Digital Technique)
Patagonian Institute of Arts (IUPA), General Roca, Río Negro, Argentina. April 10 to April 14.

2023. Post-Congress Course:Ilustración Científica y Naturalista en Mastozoología (Scientific and Naturalistic Illustration in Mammalogy).
9th Bolivian Congress of Mammalogy, Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia. March 18 and 19.

2023. Masterclass: Ilustración Científica en Mastozoología: Técnicas y aplicaciones (Scientific Illustration in Mammalogy: Applications and Techniques).
9th Bolivian Mammalogy Congress. Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia. March 15.


2022. Masterclass: Ilustración con grafito (Illustration with graphite).
In: Illustrating science Course, 3th edition. Illustraciencia Academy, Barcelona, España. October 28.

2022. Online Course: Ilustra Entomología (Entomological illustration).
Illustraciencia Academy. 7th edition: June 7 to July 5.

2022. Panel: Aprendiendo de los errores (Learning from mistakes).
II International Congress of Scientific Illustration Online Illustraciencia – CosmoCaixa. May 20.

2022. Panel: Ilustradoras científicas contemporáneas: experiencias, opiniones y expectativas (Contemporary scientific illustrators: experiences, opinions and expectations).
Science and Nature Illustrators Collective. México. March 8.


2021. Online Course: Ilustra Entomología (Entomological illustration).
Illustraciencia Academy. 5th edition: April 22 to May 20/ 6th edition: November 11 to December 16.

2021. Masterclass: Ilustración con grafito (Illustration with graphite).
In: Illustrating science Course, 1st edition. Illustraciencia Academy, Barcelona, España. April 16.


2020. Online Course: Ilustra Entomología (Entomological illustration).
Illustraciencia Academy. 3nd edition: May 21 to June 18 / 4th edition: October 15 to November 12.

2020. Masterclass: Ilustración con grafito (Illustration with graphite).
IIn: Illustrating science Course, 1st edition. Illustraciencia Academy, Barcelona, España. October 16.

2020. Online Course: Ilustra mamíferos (Mastozoology Illustration).
I Illustraciencia Academy, Barcelona, Spain. September 10 to October 8.

2020. Seminar: Ilustración Científica: donde arte y ciencia convergen (Scientific Illustration: where art and science converge).
Pioneers: the MACN Scientists Cycle. Argentine Museum of Natural Sciences "Bernardino Rivadavia". March 10.

2020. Online Course: Ilustra Mamíferos (Mastozoology Illustration).
I Illustraciencia Academy, Barcelona, Spain. April 16 to May 14.


2019. Online Course: Ilustra Entomología (Entomological illustration).
Illustraciencia Academy. 2nd edition: October 14 to November 11.

2019. Course: Introducción a la Ilustración Científica (Introduction to Scientific Illustration).
Director. Eastern Regional University Center, University of the Republic. November 25 to December 6. Rocha, Uruguay.

2019. Short Course: Introducción a la Ilustración Científica en Mastozoología (Introduction to Scientific Illustration in Mastozoology).
Director. XXXII Argentine Mastozoology Meeting. November 13. Puerto Madryn, Chubut, Argentina.

2019. Online Course: Ilustra Entomología (Entomological illustration).
Illustraciencia Academy. 2nd edition: October 14 to November 11.

2019. Online Course on line: Ilustra Entomología (Entomological illustration).
Illustraciencia Academy. 1st edition: June 12 to July 10.

2019. Short Course: Ilustración Científica: Técnica de Scratchboard (Scientific Illustration: Scratchboard Technique).
Director. 8th Professional Meeting for Illustrators, 45th Buenos Aires International Book Fair. April 25. Buenos Aires, Argentina.

2019. 1° JuntADA de Dibujo (1st Drawing Get-Together).
Organized with the Argentine Illustrators Association (ADA), with the support of La Plata Museum Foundation “Francisco Pascasio Moreno” and Illustraciencia. April 13. La Plata Museum, Buenos Aires.

2019. Postgraduate Course: Introducción a la Ilustración Científica (Introduction to Scientific Illustration).
Director. Faculty of Natural Sciences and Health Sciences, National University of the Patagonia Saint John Bosco(UNPSJB). March 11 to March 22. Puerto Madryn, Chubut, Argentina.


2018. Course: Introducción a la Ilustración Científica (Introduction to Scientific Illustration).
Director. Faculty of Biology, National University of Saint Augustine of Arequipa and Natural History Museum. August 27 to September 1. Arequipa, Peru.

2018. Workshop: Descubriendo la Naturaleza a través del Dibujo (Discovering Nature Through drawing).
July 21. Municipal Museum of Fine Arts, Tandil, Buenos Aires.

2018. Postgraduate Course: Introducción a la Ilustración Científica (Introduction to Scientific Illustration).
Director. Faculty of Natural and Health Sciences, National University of the Patagonia Saint John Bosco (UNPSJB). February 26 to March 9. Puerto Madryn, Chubut, Argentina.


2017. Postgraduate Course: Introducción a la Ilustración Científica (Introduction to Scientific Illustration).
Director. Faculty of Engineering, University of the Patagonia Saint John Bosco (UNPSJB). November 6 to November 17. Esquel, Chubut, Argentina.

2017. Panel: Ilustración y otros usos (Illustration and other uses).
6th Professional Meeting of Illustrators, 43rd Buenos Aires International Book Fair, Autonomous City of Buenos Aires (CABA). April 25.

2017. Seminar: Ilustración Científica: usos y principios (Scientific Illustration: Principles and uses).
Visual Language I Class, Plastic Arts Degree Course, National University of La Plata (UNLP), La Plata. May 18.


2016. Workshops: Ilustración Naturalista (Naturalist Illustration).
November 3 to November 6. San Carlos de Bariloche, Río Negro.

2016. Postgraduate Course: Introducción a la Ilustración Científica (Introduction to Scientific Illustration).
Director. Faculty of Engineering, University of the Patagonia Saint John Bosco (UNPSJB). October 19 to October 28. Esquel, Chubut, Argentina.

2016. Short Course: Zoological Illustration: Ilustração zoológica: técnicas em branco e preto (Black and White Techniques ).
V Brazilian Scientific Illustration Meeting (V Encontro Brasileiro sobre Ilustração Científica- EBIC). July 20 to July 23. Florianópolis, Brazil.

2016. Postgraduate Course: Introducción a la Ilustración Científica (Introduction to Scientific Illustration).
Director. Higher Faculty of Marine Sciences, National University of Comahue (UNCo). May 2 to May 14. West San Antonio, Río Negro, Argentina.


2009-2010-2011-2013-2014. Course: Introducción a la Ilustración Científica (Introduction to Scientific Illustration).
With M.C. Estivariz and M. Späth (2009, 2010, 2011 y 2013) and M.C. Estivariz and M. Copello (2014). Center of Parasitological and Vector Studies (CEPAVE, UNLP-CONICET).
La Plata, Buenos Aires, Argentina.

2015. Seminar: Ilustrando la Naturaleza (Illustrating Nature).
ECOTONO Lab, Regional University Center of Bariloche, National University of Comahue (UNCo), Bariloche, Río Negro. May 8.

2011. Seminar: Importanza della Illustrazione Scientifica nella ricerca (Importance of Scientific Illustration for Research).
Faculty of Agronomy, University of Tuscia, Viterbo, Italy. July 5.